Booking your wedding photographer with AMD Photography is very straighforward. Firstly, you need to check our availability with the date of your wedding - we only commission one wedding a day and popular dates book well in advance. Secondly, we then then require your deposit, once this has been paid, your date is then secured with us. Many clients are happy to book us online, but if you want to chat and discuss your wedding in more detail, please feel free to contact us.
• Step One: Check our availability
Please complete the form below to check our availability:
We wim to respond to your request within one working day. If you need an answer more quickly, please feel free to call us. Before you contact AMD Photography, please
click here to read our privacy policy.
• Step Two: Pay your deposit
Please complete the options below. You can choose your wedding photography deposit, wedding videography deposit or a combined photography and video deposit or your wedding videography deposit. Your deposit is refundable for 14 days, after which your deposit becomes non-refundable. We will ask for your name and address when we take payment from your card. Deposit prices below are for wedding coverage lasting less than 12 hours. For weddings lasting longer than 12 hours please choose then '12 hours plus' deposit options.
When you press 'Add to Cart' button you will be taken to our payment system. You will require a valid card for payment along with your name and address. Your receipt will be e-mailed out to you when the booking is complete.