Your wedding album is a very personal possession which you will share with friends and family for years to come. At AMD Photography we work with you to create a wedding album you will be proud of - we don't put our name on just anything!
Digital Disc | |
Classic Albums | |
Storybook Albums | |
Designer Albums | |
USB Packages |
Classic and traditional, designer contemporary or fashionable storybook, the choice is yours. We use beautiful Bellissimo, Apertura and Artemis albums for our Bridal presentations. Available in a range of sizes these book bound albums allow us to create a 'Story' or modern traditional album of your wedding day with each page printed directly onto the album itself.
Our albums are also very practical in that they are hard-wearing and they present your wedding day photographs in exquisite quality. Smaller 'Parents Albums' are also available.
Digital copies of your wedding photographs are becoming increasingly popular. We offer your photographs on a DVD-ROM disc in both HiRes and LoRes formats as well as various options presenting your images on personalised USB sticks which come with unique slideshows for use in smart TVs and computers.
If you have an album, please check with us as many of our album packages included your digital files as part of your final product.
Digital enlargements are very popular, usually as a framed centrepiece or a canvas. We can produce fantastic digital enlargements in a range of sizes and finishes. And, because we shoot your wedding on such good quality cameras you can be assured of the finest enlarged prints for your home.
The jargon of albums can get confusing. Here is a quick overview of the wedding albums we provide at AMD Photography.
One image per page. Two pages per spread. Central seam between pages. Leather bound. Maximum 40 images. Size is 10" x 10" (closed), 10" x 20" (open). Presentation box supplied.
Left-hand & right-hand page joined to create one double-page spread. Multiple or single images on one spread. Leather bound. Various cover options. Maximum 200 images. Sizes vary from 6" x 6" (closed), 6" x 12" (open) to 20" x 20" (closed), 20" x 40" (open). Presentation box supplied.
Individual left & right pages. Multiple or single images on one page. Images mounted onto page or printed 'storybook' style. Leather bound. Various colour cover options. Maximum 90 images. Sizes range from 12" x 12" (closed), 12" x 24" (open) to 14" x 14" (closed), 14" x 28" (open). Presentation box supplied.
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